Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Empty words

When you say things and not mean it , it is a hindrance for yourself. You only make things worse by putting up a smoke screen of pious talk. Saying "I'm praying for you" and not actually doing it or "God be with you" and not actually meaning it, because it sounds good shows how empty you are. Instead of saying I will pray for you, just do it. As long as God hears your prayers and your intention is well, they will be taken care of.


A relationship with God is one of the greatest blessings one can have. It is something that is available to all of us. All that's required of us is that we reach out for it and respect. I pray daily and it is like being on a vacation with God where I can detach from my struggles and goals, and connect with God intimately.

Staying on task

When you're ambitious or have a lot of things on your plate, it's fairly easy to overfill our daily to-do list. I did this for years, before I realized the saying, "slow and steady wins the race", is one who leads a life in need of self-discipline and unrelenting drive. So now I try to stick to 3-5 things on your daily list of tasks. If you finish those things, you can always add more things, one by one.


I am forever praying that God continues to give me discernment to know His voice from my own, guide my steps so that I can fulfill His will, and allow His light to shine through me.Discernment will tell you to do what's best for you and the best way to do it.

Communication Skills

I am learning to communicate with grace and ease. Therefore people will be more willing to embrace what I have to say.